A new community-based space called Laugh Out opened in Tokyo in July 2019. Established by Yoshimoto Kogyo Co. Ltd. as a space for co-creating and co-working, it’s managed by Midoriso, which has delivered many new co-working innovations and plans new collaborations in the future.
Yoshimoto Kogyo employs many of Japan’s top comedians and is now developing unique talent to inspire Japan. The company is striving to nurture next-generation creators in this co-working space based on a CREATE TOGETHER concept.
Laugh Out is located in Jinnan, Shibuya, which is undergoing its first major redevelopment in 100 years. An original broadcast station will open in the building to deliver various content via community radio programs under a “create” theme. A space for video distribution is currently provided and graphic production equipment will be installed in the future.