012: Exhibition

NÒMA t.d. Book 1
Exhibition at SO1

Breathing new life into design.
Textile advances take the brand to the next stage.

Since its launch in 2015, fashion brand NÒMA t.d. has expressed a unique perspective. In addition to brand activities, it frequently exhibits artworks in art studios. It also collaborates with various notable artists when releasing new products every year, sharing and embracing their perspectives.

“NÒMA t.d. Book 1” was recently published to illustrate the passions that have driven the brand to this day. This book features the works of photographers and painters who freely express their identity and are true to the theme, “keep it real”.

At an exhibition displaying the works of these artists, NÒMA t.d, textile designer Masako Noguchi participated as one of the artists. She presented six tranquil textile patterns created with a silk screen on unbleached Ultrasuede®.

She paid particular attention to the fabric and material, but was initially not sure how well the silk-screen method would match Ultrasuede®. Fortunately, the suede material absorbed the ink well and the resulting three-dimensional appearance was quite appealing. In fact, the high absorption rate allowed Noguchi to apply the ink twice to achieve vibrant colors. This textile was scanned for use on the covers of the book and magazine.

Through this experience, Noguchi came to realize the potential of products using Ultrasuede®. She hopes the encounter with new materials will inspire further evolution of the brand.


NOMA t.d.

A clothing brand produced by Masako Noguchi and Takuma Sasaki. After its founding in 2015, the brand has been expressing its unique perspective through novel hand-drawn textiles and simple designs with delicate details. In addition to designing clothes, the company actively exhibits artworks in various places. It also introduced a new NOMA COUNCIL product line in 2008. By adopting craft techniques from around the world, NOMA t.d. continues to produce wide-ranging products with a unique yet modern design.
